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Skeleton Fish
Health(int.) 50
Biome Cursed Waters
Appearance cave

The Skeleton Fish is a common enemy found in the caves of the Cursed Waters.


The Skeleton Fish is an undead fish skeleton brought to life by the mysterious gem found in its eyesockets. It is visibly cracked and its skeleton is clearly unnatural, missing most bones and with the rest being clearly altered, possibly a result of the influence of the mysterious gem.


The Skeleton Fish will chase any crewmembers it spots and attack them until either it or its enemy is dead. Although not particularly dangerous, it is able to follow its target wherever they go due to its ability to swim, as long as it's inside the cave, which can make it a big threat to players with low health.

Description Cursed Waters
Enemies Roaming Enemies Barracuda (Barracuda Ghost (Awakened Mode only)) •  Catfish •  Cursed Ship (Cursed Pirate) •  Hammerhead Shark •  Hammerhead Abomination •  Hammer Dead Shark •  Siren •  Squid Abomination •  Stormy Squid
Cave Enemies Cursed Clam •  Humanoid Abomination •  Skeleton Crab •  Skeleton Fish
Submarine Interior Enemies Cursed Pirate • Mold Born (Awakened Mode only) •  Siren
Boss The Leviathan
Obstacles Effigies •  Oysters
Civilization Hub Shipwreck
Dwellers Ghost Pirates •  Witch Doctor
Recruit Voodoo Doll
Related Affliction(s) Drowning Curse