We Need to go Deeper Wiki
Cost 2,000 Gold
Unlocked at Rank1 Landlubber 4
Damage 10 per shot
The Six Shooter is a ranged weapon that does 10 damage per shot. Despite the low damage, you can do up to 60 damage in short time before reloading.
~ Ingame Description

Description[ | ]

The Six Shooter is a ranged weapon that does 10 damage per shot. Despite the low damage, you can do up to 60 damage in short time before reloading.

Comparison[ | ]

The Six Shooter is the fastest gun in the game, and possibly the fastest item in general. Compared to the flintlock, the Six Shooter has higher overall DPS but requires constant aiming. Its damage output also relies on how quick you can press the Left Mouse Button (or any button assigned to the action of attacking). The DPS can be greatly increased via an autoclicker, as well as damage boosts as it increases the damage of each individual shot.

Repair Tools Wrench •  Pipe Wrench •  Monkey Wrench •  Rivet Gun
Weapons Ranged Weapons Flintlock •  Six-Shooter •  Tesla Gun •  Eldritch Staff
Close-Quarter Sword •  Butcher Knife •  Pickaxe •  (Power Sword AwakenedLantern)
Other Dynamite
Healing Items MedKit •  Syringe •  Pliers
Various Items Chemistry Kit •  Phonograph •  Rose •  Water Pump •  Translation Book •  Tesla Crank •  Wedding Ring •  Atom Ray