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Plant Invader
Health(int.) 40
Biome Ancient Abyss
Appearance Interior/Cave

The plant invaders are a common enemy in the Ancient Abyss. They frequently appears in the caves, posing a ranged threat and, due to the biome's water being infected with their spores, these dangerous plants will begin growing inside your submarine if you let the water stay inside for too long!


Plant invaders are vaguely plant-like creatures that have many characteristics commonly found in other living creatures, which probably indicates that they are not plants at all and were wrongly named, likely due to their plant-like appearance. They have a mouth-like structure that stems from its flower which secretes an acidic or poisonous substance and may be used to eat, indicating that this creature may be carnivorous, similarly to Venus Fly Traps.


They are unable to move, instead, they "spit" green goo projectiles, dealing 1 damage.

Description Ancient Abyss
Enemies Roaming Enemies Dunkleosteus •  Eurypterid •  Gas Fish •  Glisten Fish •  Megalodon •  Mega Piranha •  Purussaurus •  Spine Worm (Awakened Mode only)
Cave Enemies Clam •  Plant Hive (Seed Fly) •  Plant Invader •  Trilobite
Submarine Interior Enemies Plant Invader •  Purussaurus •  Seed Fly
Boss The Sleepy Giant •  (Flesh Sac) •  (Nematode)
Obstacles Giant Flowers •  Seaweeds •  Spiky Flesh
Civilization Hub Dome Hub
Dwellers Egyptians •  Egyptian Priestess
Recruit Egyptian Mummy
Related Affliction(s) Drowning Ancient Flu