This page lists the numerous obstacles the crew can encounter in the Living Infinite.
For the purposes of classification, something is considered an obstacle as long as they can interact with the Submarine, NPCs or player characters and are either incapable of moving without an exterior influence or are set to only be able to autonomously move in a set path. Obstacles are often more predictable than normal enemies and can either pose a great danger or be little more than a small inconvenience.
Floaters are all Obstacles that will appear floating in the waters of the Living Infinite.
From time to time, a Giant Bubble will appear and slowly float upward. If your Submarine gets caught in it, it will encase it and continue to float, bringing the ship with it. If nothing is done, the Submarine can be transported straight up for quite some time. However, a single shot on the bubble with any projectile will destroy it, releasing the Vessel.
Lion Mane Jellyfish[]
In the Aurelian Depths, many Large, yellow Lion Mane Jellyfish can be found swimming upwards. They do not chase the submarine, but they can block the way and may need to be killed, and touching its long tentacles will make it grab hold of the ship and slowly retract its tentacles, bringing the submarine upwards to it, making so it's necessary to kill it for the vessel to escape its hold. If you do not destroy it or boost away to release your vessel, they will envelop the submarine and slowly deal damage to it. They can, however, be helpful due to producing large amounts of light due to being bioluminescent creatures, not to mention they may block enemy movement or Micro Ephyra shots if positioned correctly.
Barnacle Mine[]
Barnacle mines only appear in the Infected Depths. They float around, creating a distinct stirring noise when the submarine gets close to it. Upon contact it explodes, causing damage, and spawns a Barnacle Biter about half of the time when destroyed. They also have a small chance of spawning a Barnacle Grabber when destroyed. The purpose of the Barnacle Mines for the barnacle infection is unknown, but it possibly acts as an egg, as it will often release other barnacle creatures after exploding. Interestingly, the Barnacle Hive produces and launches Barnacle Mines at invaders such as the Submarine and its crew, so the mines possibly also serves as a method of defense.
Attachers are all obstacles that appear attached to the walls, celings or floor of the Living Infinite.
Duopus Egg[]
Duopus eggs only appear in the Atlantic Waters, scattered around The Quadken's arena. They are enormous, translucent eggs containing a red liquid which sustains the fetus inside and protects it from mechanical shots. If they are attacked, they will be torn open, possibly releasing the Baby Duopus developing inside them.
Ice Crystal[]
Ice crystals only spawn in the Frozen Waters. There are two forms of ice crystals. All ice crystals take two torpedo shots to destroy.
- The first form is just a ball of ice, it can float anywhere in the water and can be pushed around by explosions, collisions, and enemies.
- The second form is a tall pillar, attached to the rock of the level. Cannot be moved.
- The ice crystal has 20 health and takes two torpedo shots to be destroyed.
Shifter Encased Ice Crystal[]
Sometimes it is possible for ice crystals to contain a Shifter while playing in Awakened Mode. These behave identical to the balls of ice. Destroying them will free the Shifter, which will immediately try to board the Submarine.
Jelly Crystal[]
Jelly crystals only spawn in the Aurelian Depths, and function similarly to the immobile ice crystals, blocking the submarine. In addition to that, Jelly crystals are notable for glowing. Due to the presence of crystal-like creatures, it's unknown if it's caused by a chemical reaction, some mystical property of the crystals or some other phenomenon, nor if they are made out of some organic material and it's a form of bioluminescence. There are two forms of jelly crystals.
- The first form is a small pillar, attached to the rock of the level. Cannot be moved.
- The second form is a tall pillar, attached to the rock of the level. Cannot be moved.
These obstacles only become active when the submarine gets too close. They are hard to notice, and usually blend in with the environment. Most of them will deal rapid damage to the submarine as long as they can hit the submarine. All of these obstacles take 2 torpedo shots to take out.
Seaweeds currently spawn in most Biomes. Their purpose is to slow the submarine down when it gets caught in them. Seaweeds can be destroyed by shooting their anchor point with a single torpedo, this means shooting them where they connect to the rock. Seaweeds have different effects in some biomes.
- In the Atlantic Waters and the Ancient Abyss seaweeds spawn a Decapodian about half of the time when destroyed.
- In the Dark Depths, seaweeds do not spawn Decapodians and have a dark, dead appearance due to the lack of sunlight. They are also much rarer.
- In the Infected Depths, seaweeds are much longer and darker, and can also severely hinder vision due to their size.
Sea Anemones[]
In the Atlantic Waters, sea anemones can spawn. These will stay attached to walls, slowly swinging their long tentacles due to the calm, repetitive movement of the waves. If the submarine makes contact with their tentacles, they will simply disable shields on contact, and leave them unable to recharge as long as they are still touching the vessel, regardless or the shield's power or upgrades aquired, leaving it open to attacks that would normally be easily prevented by the shield system, such as the invasion of Starfish or the stabs of a Swordfish's sharp tip. It has no effect on submarines that lack shields, such as The Requin or The Espadon, or vessels that simply don't have any power allocated to said system.
In the Cursed Waters, oysters can spawn. They will repeatedly bite if the submarine comes too close and can deal enormous amounts of damage very quickly. These clams, however, can have the shortest range of all harassers and be very easy to spot. There are three forms of Oysters.
- The first form is a small oyster, with decreased range and damage output, but harder to detect or hit.
- The second form is a larger oyster, with increased range and damage output, but easier to detect or hit.
- The third form is a cluster of three small oysters, with decreased range and heavily increased damage outfit, but easier to detect and hit.
Bobbit Worms[]
In the Dark Depths, bobbit worms will spawn. They will stay mostly hidden in the ground until the Submarine approaches, at which point they will start bursting out of the terrain, attacking the vessel and then quickly contracting back into the ground to lash out again, which it will rapidly repeat until it dies or the ship moves out of its range. these worms have the longest reach out of all the wall obstacles and can deal considerable damage in a short amount of time, and are considerably hard to spot and shoot at since most of their body is hidden inside the ground, unless it's already attacking the vessel.
In the Micro Depths, Fungi can spawn. Their purpose is to slow the submarine down when it gets caught in them. These will also let off Fungi Spores that will travel across the water. Upon contacting a rock they will anchor there, quickly growing a new Fungi. Fungi can be destroyed by shooting their anchor point with a single torpedo, this means shooting them where they connect to the rock.
Giant Flowers[]
In the Ancient Abyss, flowers can spawn. These flowers have a ranged attack, and take 4 torpedo shots to take out. There are two variants
- The purple flower is the most lethal, shooting out a purple seed that spawns a single Seed Fly inside if it hits the submarine.
- The yellow flower shoots out a spiked seed that bounces off walls, causing a single hit of damage upon contact.
These obstacles will latch onto the submarine, or pull them in, immobilizing the submarine completely until they are taken out.
Barnacle Harvesters[]
In the Infected Depths, Barnacle Harvesters will spawn. They initially look like a normal, albeit highly oversized barnacle in a rested state, but will rapidly lash out with its segmented limbs if the submarine gets too close, grabbing the Submarine and stopping it from moving if its attack connects. They take two torpedo shots to take out. Their purpose in the barnacle society appear to be capturing non-infected creatures (such as explorers) that wander into the Infected Depths, and harvesting meat (hence its name) that sinks from the upper layers.
Tube Worms[]
In the Volcanic Depths, Tube Worms will spawn attached to walls and slowly move its body due to the movement of the water. They can be either short or tall. The tall ones take 3 torpedo shots to take out whilst the short ones only take 2. They spawn one or two tube worm "heads" inside the submarine which cannot harm players and will simply flail around harmlessly. Killing the "heads" releases the submarine, and kills the remainder of the tube worm outside. Alternatively, shooting the section of the tube worm that stays outside until it's destroyed kills the tube worm heads inside. There are two forms of Tube Worms.
- The first form is a group of short Tube Worms, with reduced range and health, and which will only spawn one "head" inside the submarine.
- The second form is a group of tall Tube Worms, with increased range and health, and which will spawn two "heads" inside the submarine.
Obstacles that continuously spawn enemies.
Egg Pile[]
In the Caves of the Frozen Waters, large Snow Crab Egg Piles will be found littering its icy interior. The hundreds of bright red eggs that constitute the pile will periodically hatch, releasing waves of Baby Crabs, that will attack anyone or anything they see as a threat. The Egg Piles have a decent amount of health, but can be destroyed to prevent more enemies from spawning.
Snail Mound[]
In the Caves of the Dark Depths, large, hollowed mounds will be found scattered in its dark, rocky interior, serving as the homes of the Snails that lurk inside the caves. Once a crewmember is nearby, Snails will periodically exit their lair to attack the intruders. The Snail Mounds have a decent amount of health, but can be destroyed to prevent more enemies from spawning.
Micronaut Portable Base[]
On the exterior of the Micro Depths, large, portable bases that bear some resemblance to to the Micronaut Laboratory can be found. These will passively spawn Mutant Micronauts in their shuttle form. Furthermore, one Mutant Micronaut will always be spawned whenever a Micronaut Portable base is destroyed. Once spawned, these will immediately seek out the Submarine and will board should they successful breech the hull.
Plant Hive[]
In the Caves of the Ancient Abyss, enormous discolored plants can be found growing inside its lush interior, constantly releasing their unique, insect-like seeds. These highly adapted seeds, however, don't only serve to disperse the descendants of the Plant Hives - they also serve as the plant's means of defense, and will chase and attack anything that approaches the hive.
Flesh Sac[]
In the Ancient Abyss, inside The Sleepy Giant, Flesh Sacs will spawn in the fleshy walls of the creature's digestive system. They are hollowed distentions in the membranous walls of the Belly of the Giant that serve as home to the flesh eating Nematodes. Similarly to the very walls that they are part of, they cannot be destroyed by any means, and will continuously spawn Nematodes until the crew manages to kill the beast and escape its collapsing interior.
Structures & Traps[]
Obstacles that spring to action once a certain condition is met.
Mechanical Eyes[]
In the Mechanical Abyss, Mechanical Eyes will spawn. They scan the oily waters in a large cone section in front of them and slowly turn their "eye" to watch a larger area of the biome. Additionally, they will periodically blink, making them unable to see for a short amount of time. Once a non biomechanical creature or object appears in front of them, they will spring into action and employ one of the following methods to eliminate the trespasser:
- They will employ a magnetic field to pull the Submarine in and render it immobile until the Eye is destroyed.
- They will detach from the wall and pursue the Submarine, latching onto it and sticking its "tentacles" inside to attack anyone in the interior of the vessel.
- They will open its "eyeball", releasing a Mechanical Shark to attack the Submarine.
Mechanical Turrets[]
In the Mechanical Abyss, Mechanical Turrets will spawn. They protude a large laser (similarly to the Upgrade) and once a non biomechanical creature or object is inside its range, it will start tracking it and periodically shooting at it, dealing high damage to them until they exit its range, get out of its sight or destroy the Turret. They are highly dangerous because their shots are nearly undodgeable and can only be protected by Shields, and large amounts of them can render it impossible to get past them without slowly destroying them. Additionally, it will sometimes shut down for a short amount of time, allowing for fast Submarines to go past it without having to destroy it or take damage.
Mechanical Mines[]
In the Caves of the Mechanical Abyss, Mechanical Mines will spawn. They are completely immobile and will stay attached firmly to the ground until it is destroyed or someone walks over it, at which point it will rapidly flash its red light and explode afterwards, dealing 5 damage to anything inside its blast radius.
Eldritch Shrines[]
In The Meteor, Eldritch Shrines will spawn along the walls. They are large structures containing an orb of energy inside their opening, and they will constantly release them whenever the Submarine gets within their range, at a very fast rate. Their projectiles home in and are able to pass through the environment, but can still be dodged if the vessel's speed is high enough. It is generally better, however, to use Shields to attempt to protect the ship from as much damage as possible, while slowly chipping away at the Shrine's health or escaping from its range. They are not particularly great threats on their own, but they can work in conjunction with other enemies susceptible to shields to keep it down while they attack the Submarine.
Effigies are exclusively found in the Cursed Waters And consist of cursed bones possessed to a wood structure. If touched or shot at, their respective Abomination will reform and attack the submarine or its crew. Two variants can be found outside while one can found inside caves. The outside Effigies will also blow up once touched, damaging the submarine and knocking it away.
Humanoid Abomination[]
Found inside Caves, it creates the Humanoid Abomination, which after forming, will chase the players and continuously attack them until it dies. The Humanoid Abomination is incredibly resistant and although rather slow, they are surprisingly agile for their size. Due to the danger they pose, it is better to simply avoid attacking its shrines to prevent having to fight it.
Squid Abomination[]
Found in the exterior, it creates the Squid Abomination, which after forming, will chase the submarine and continuously attack it until it dies. It is one of the largest and most resilient enemies in the Cursed Waters and can easily keep up with most Submarines. In addition, it can quickly bring down the Hull Integrity to dangerous levels. It is better to avoid touching or attacking its shrine when possible.
Hammerhead Abomination[]
Found in the exterior, it creates the Hammerhead Abomination, which after forming, will chase the submarine and continuously attack it until it dies. Similarly to the Squid Abomination, it is big and very resilient, and can easily keep up with most Submarines. In addition, it can quickly bring down the Hull Integrity to dangerous levels. It is better to avoid touching or attacking its shrine when possible.
Volcanic Vents[]
In the Volcanic Depths, vents can spawn. These vents will periodically shoot out gas, which damages and propels the submarine. When shot, the vents will open, and shoot out gas much more frequently. These vents are indestructible, shooting them only makes them more dangerous by opening them and helping release the fumes. Enough speed, timing, and sometimes torpedo boosting is needed to get past some vents. Additionally, experienced drivers may use these vents by Vent Boosting, as to avoid danger.
Algae Pile[]
Algae Piles spawn in flooded areas of the Submarine on the Atlantic Waters. It can be destroyed if attacked and will otherwise slow players that walk over it.
Mold can spawn in flooded areas of the Submarine on the Cursed Waters. It works similarly to Algae Piles in that it can be destroyed and will slow players walking over it. Additionally, however, the mold is alive and will follow the players, making it a bigger nuisance.
Puke is produced by blobfish or players infected by Sea Sickness. If touched by a player, they will instantly contract the disease and produce more puke of their own. It can be destroyed by attacking it.
Spiky Flesh[]
Spiky Flesh will often be found scattered around the Belly of the Giant. They are red, fleshy growths with spiky protusions attached to them.
Once a player approaches, the spikes will quickly rise up and damage the player. It can be destroyed by attacking it.
Wall Barnacle[]
Wall Barnacles will appear in the Submarine if it's flooded by the larvae infected water of the Infected Depths. These will grow and pop at different sizes, spawning different stages of the Barnacle Spider. The water or Wall Barnacles should be cleared to avoid getting overrun.
Fungi Spawners[]
Similar to Wall Barnacles, Fungi Spawners will appear in the Submarine if it's flooding the Infected Depths, however players must also be in Awakened Mode for them to appear. Unlike Wall Barnacles, Fungi Spawners take longer to grow and will always spawn the same kind of Fungi.
Eldritch Pyramid[]
Eldritch Pyramids are imcomprehensible obstacles found in The Meteor. Transcending beyond the bounds of the game's reality, they float around the eldritch waters, and touching or damaging such structures will cause them to explode in a burst of indecipherable energy, damaging not only all that are caught within its radius, but also the very veils of our dimension, creating an Interdimensional Tear in reality, allowing creatures not of this world to make their way into the Submarine.
Interdimensional Tear[]
Interdimensional Tears are formed when Eldritch Pyramids are destroyed. They are blemishes in the fabric of the universe, punctures in the barrier that separate our reality from others. Such anomalies can be the doorway for unspeakable creatures to enter the Submarine, should the vessel ever make contact with these breaches between dimensions.
The following are the enemies the Interdimensional Tears are capable of spawning: