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Description[ | ]
Lootable Bodies are the remains of deceased explorers and divers that met their ends inside the Caves, Hermit Hovels, and Lairs of The Living Infinite. Even after death, their skeletons are still holding tightly to the tools and weapons they possessed when they were alive, and whoever finds them can take it and put them to better use. A lootable can hold any item except for the Eldritch Staff, which appears by itself without a body.
Interaction[ | ]
Upon interacting with a lootable body, the player will gain whatever item the body has clutched in its fingers, getting rid of the body itself. If the player is already carrying an item or has a Backpack and is carrying two, they will drop the one they are currently holding in their hands to pick up the Body's item. If the player is not holding an item in one or more hands, then the item will be transferred to the empty hand.
Uses[ | ]
Lootable bodies can be used to gain items the group did not have before. They can be very useful, as lootable bodies can carry almost every item.