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PowerSwitchMiddle This article is about the Hammerhead Shark. For the undead variants, see Hammer Dead Shark.
Hammerhead Shark
Health(ext.) 15
Biome Cursed Waters
Appearance Exterior

The Hammerhead Shark is a common enemy found in the Cursed Waters.


Hammerhead Sharks are a group of sharks named after their unusual and distinctive head structures, which are flattened and laterally extended into a "hammer" shape called a cephalofoil. The ones found in The Living Infinite appear to have a much larger, more robust cephalofoil which assists in pulverizing prey, in addition to granting them an advanced field of view.


Once the Hammerhead Shark spots the submarine, it will attempt to charge it, bouncing it around. Additionally, upon high speed collisions, it will cause a dent or hole in the submarine, unless the shields are able to fully absorb the damage. It can also deal damage to the submarine by making it crash into walls or obstacles, which will often also disrupt the gunner's aim.


Although not very dangerous, the Hammerhead Shark can push the submarine into an effigy, waking up a much more dangerous foe. Although it shouldn't be focused on if there are bigger threats, it's advised to kill it or push it away whenever possible.

Description Cursed Waters
Enemies Roaming Enemies Barracuda (Barracuda Ghost (Awakened Mode only)) •  Catfish •  Cursed Ship (Cursed Pirate) •  Hammerhead Shark •  Hammerhead Abomination •  Hammer Dead Shark •  Siren •  Squid Abomination •  Stormy Squid
Cave Enemies Cursed Clam •  Humanoid Abomination •  Skeleton Crab •  Skeleton Fish
Submarine Interior Enemies Cursed Pirate • Mold Born (Awakened Mode only) •  Siren
Boss The Leviathan
Obstacles Effigies •  Oysters
Civilization Hub Shipwreck
Dwellers Ghost Pirates •  Witch Doctor
Recruit Voodoo Doll
Related Affliction(s) Drowning Curse