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The Brig's announcement image


The Brig is a feature that allows the host to send a troublesome player to jail temporarily, where they will have to wait for a set amount of time while being unable to do anything other than walking and jumping in the claustrophobic jail cell. The brigged player will receive increasing punishments for every time they are brigged.

The first time the player is brigged, they stay in jail for 30 seconds. The second time, they stay for 60 seconds. If they are brigged a third time, they are kicked from the match.


To "brig" a player, the host must press the "tab" button and click the BrigButtonBrig Button next to the player they want to send to jail. The player will be sent to the brig and a timer will appear instead of the brig button, allowing the host to keep track of how much time the brigged player will be away.
