We Need to go Deeper Wiki

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The Barnacle Hive is a type of Civilization that is found at the end of the Infected Depths. Barnacle People populate the Barnacle Hive and, rarely, you will be able to recruit a Barnacle Assistant.
It was an enormous underwater laboratory, its once metallic walls now the substrate of the ever growing, unnatural barnacles that seemingly twist the very structure they develop upon. Along its weathered hallways, countless doors extend amongst the walls, forever closed shut by the barnacles that infest them. Inside, the Barnacle People roam amongst the broken machinery and unfinished experiments, slowly being driven to insanity by the very devilish corruption they created and that overtook them, waiting for the last remnants of their humanity to inevitably fade from their grasp.


The Barnacle Hive used to be a secret underwater laboratory. Its experiments, however, backfired greatly, and the barnacles spreaded quickly, overruning the laboratory and its occupants, and later the entire biome, ultimately creating the Infected Depths.

It is unknown what was the purpose of their experiments.

Barnacle People[]

Barnacle Person



The Barnacle People are the dwellers of the Barnacle Hive.


The Barnacle People are infected scientists that have been overrun by the Barnacle Infection. Horribly desfigured and only retaining a humanoid shape and their broken glasses, they roam the Barnacle Hive, their former work place, until they lose the little remaining sanity they have. The Barnacle Infection, however, seems to affect humans differently based on their gender, with the females being incredibly distorted, looking almost spider-like in appearance. It is suggested the Barnacle Infection mutates females in an increased rate, explaining their horrible deformation, even when compared to the other infected scientists.


When they first see a player, they will wave at them with their broken chemistry kits. They will stand in their positions and if a player interacts with them, they will talk with the player using their new language, which can be translated by the Translation Book. If they are attacked or robbed, they will chase the players and attack them with their broken chemistry kits, and may invade the submarine if you try to escape. They are capable of destroying doors, meaning even your own ship will not be safe if you decide to attack them.


The Dynamite is the best item to use if you want to kill the Barnacle People and steal their goods. If no dynamite is available, large crews with healing items may be able to tank their damage and kill them. Additionally, like all enemies in the Infected Depths, the purple potion from the Chemistry Kit harms them, because it heals Afflictions and Barnacle People have literally been consumed by the Barnacle Infection.


  • Good morning, friends!
  • Did you know that all barnacle clams have a fresh supply of love?
  • Truly!
  • Are you accusing me of lying?
  • What we would gain from you amassing barnacles?
  • Err... Other than another mind for the hive...
  • And perhaps another friendly face...
  • You DEFINITELY should check out the barnacle clams.

  • Hey there!
  • You look like smart folks, let me share some advice.
  • When you find that a barnacle spider has wandered into your ship...
  • Don't worry! It's actually quite friendly.
  • Make sure you remember to shake his hand and say hello!
  • Don't call me no fabricator!
  • I've not touched a sewing needle a day in my life.

  • Come again?
  • Sorry, I'm not sure I'm hearing you correctly?
  • Why on earth would I give you a tip on killing Barnacle biters?
  • They're perfectly kind creatures!
  • I would never dream of hurting one!
  • Just pet him right on the nose, and you'll see for yourself.
  • A Barnacle biter wouldn't hurt a fly!
  • May bite a few though...

  • Keep your eyes peeled!
  • There are plenty of Barnacle Huggers out there!
  • They put their little arms around you for that sweet embrace!
  • Doesn’t hurt for too long, either!
  • I hope you’ll be lucky enough to come across one.
  • What a happy thought…

  • Hello!
  • You travelers look like you could use my science expertise!
  • If you happen to see an adorable barnacle snail inside of those caves...
  • Don't forget to give'em a good pat on the head!
  • Quite gentle creatures they are.
  • Just keep that in mind!
  • Would I lie to you?
  • ...
  • Don't answer that.

  • Hello travelers!
  • You don't need to proceed with any caution as you travel down.
  • It's perfectly safe!
  • Leave your worries at the door!
  • It's exactly what I did...
  • And I turned out great!

  • Hey there!
  • ...
  • Of course I can give you directions!
  • When you exit, just head straight down.
  • Yep, that's it!
  • You're welcome!

  • Howdy friends!
  • Would you like to join us in prayer?
  • We thank thee Queen, oh our great hive...
  • For working so hard to make us thrive...
  • For making home on our once plain skin...
  • And for the sculpted barnacle upon my chin...
  • Amen.

  • All hail thy glorious host.
  • From which we cling to survive.
  • Join us, you travelers!
  • Be a keeper for our fellow barnacles!

  • Hello friend!
  • Might I borrow a moment of your time?
  • I'm writing a book about how much I love the barnacles...
  • Anyway, what should I tidal it?
  • Get it? TIDAL!
  • Because we're in the ocean!
  • Oh, I'm so gifted I know!

  • Travelers!
  • Just listen to what I have to say.
  • All of us barnacle folk are just misunderstood.
  • Out there, when you come across some barnacle creatures...
  • You must lean in very close so you can hear them correctly.
  • And by close, I mean within reaching distance.
  • Give it a try, please!
  • For me?

  • I'm sure you've heard some talk of us...
  • Others don't take to us, too much.
  • They say we're crazy...
  • But I say we're... Cra-SEA!
  • Because we're crazy about the sea!
  • It has so much space for our gargantuan lord to expand.
  • Don't forget to be thankful today!

  • Howdy, friends!
  • Don't forget to look in our shop!
  • However, instead of paying for sub Upgrades,
  • We can give you barnacles for free!
  • What a deal!

  • Howdy travelers!
  • Have you peeked inside our shop yet?
  • Y'know...
  • If you were to join us, you wouldn't need to worry about such things.
  • In fact, you would literally never worry again!
  • All is good, when you join the hive!

  • Greetings, travelers!
  • What a fine helmet you're wearing!
  • Might I say, it would look twice as fetching if...
  • You were to add some barnacles!
  • Go on, try it!

  • You poor fellows!
  • I can see how tired you are.
  • Why don't you retire here and join our wonderful community?
  • You won't be sorry!

  • Hello travelers!
  • If you happen to see a barnacle mine during your expedition...
  • Just go ahead and bump right into it!
  • Really, you won't regret it!
  • Nope, nothing suspicious here.

  • Y'know...
  • Barnacle harvesters work so hard.
  • I don't think they gain enough credit!
  • Next time you see one...
  • Please take the time to show your appreciation.

  • Howdy!
  • What happened here? Oh, some have asked that before...
  • Me, however, have no interest to dwell on even my own past.
  • Y'know what they say, the present is named such because it's a gift!
  • And these barnacles are certainly a gift! I love to think about them...
  • So dwell on barnacles! Not how this utopia came to be!

  • Ah, look at you cuties!
  • Your bulbous heads fill me with pleasure.
  • They remind me of our Queen!
  • Do your heads expel eruptive friends too?
  • No? That’s a shame.
  • Well perhaps you should go and meet her!
  • She loves new visitors!

  • Friends!
  • Would you like to hear a song I wrote?
  • Ohhh great Hi-ive!
  • ....
  • That’s all I have for now.
  • Did you like it?

  • Oh, sorry! I didn’t hear your question.
  • Will you say that again?
  • Hm. Well what happened here is of no importance.
  • Instead I’ll tell you about our hive!
  • Don’t be concerned that she can’t move.
  • She still gives us mind hugs!
  • Mmmmm, I’m being hugged right now!
  • You should join us!

  • Good Afternoon, travelers!
  • Would you like to join us in prayer?
  • It’s in the form of a song!
  • We thank thee, hosts
  • For your unforseen miracle
  • What once was aimless
  • Is now happy and lyrical!
  • To subvert your creation
  • Was hopeless and futile
  • For what you produced
  • Was clever and beautiful!


  • Barnacle Doctor[]

    Barnacle Doctor
    Health(int.) 320

    The Barnacle Doctor is the Doctor of the Barnacle Hive.


    The Barnacle Doctor is an infected doctor that has been overrun by the Barnacle Infection. Horribly disfigured and only retaining a humanoid shape, his broken glasses and his surgical mask, he roams the Barnacle Hive, his former work place, waiting for the barnacle infection to finish taking over its body and mind, as it has done to those who were once his coworkers. The Doctor, unlike his friends, was capable of maintaining his sanity, and will secretly help anyone that visits the Barnacle Hive, but should the Barnacle Hive and its inhabitants find themselves in danger, the barnacle infection will finally seize control over the doctor's mind, completing his transformation. Although he is willing to help others, it's suggested that he had a very dark past, having participated in the nefarious experiments undertaken by the scientists, and may have been the one responsible for the horrible procedures done to the Barnacle Assistant.


    He will stand in his position and if a player interacts with him, he will talk with the player using his new language, which can be translated by the Translation Book, and will instantly heal the player, restoring their health and curing any Afflictions. If he or his brethren are attacked or robbed, they will chase the players and attack them with their broken chemistry kits, and may invade the submarine if you try to escape. They are capable of destroying doors, meaning even your own ship will not be safe if you decide to attack them.


    The Dynamite is the best item to use if you want to kill the Barnacle People and steal their goods. If no dynamite is available, large crews with healing items may be able to tank their damage and kill them. The Barnacle People cannot swim, getting on a ladder and shooting them is the safest way of disposing of them. Additionally, like all enemies in the Infected Depths, the purple potion from the Chemistry Kit harms them, because it heals Afflictions and Barnacle People have literally been consumed by the Barnacle Infection.


    • Psst! I may have a...cure for your ills.
    • It's no use to me, I'm nearly gone already.

  • Hey! Over here! I can help you!
  • Don't worry, I won't hurt you.
  • The Barnacles haven't fully taken me yet.

  • Good to see another human face.
  • I can tend to your wounds, at least.
  • Mine are too set to heal into anything but barnacles.


  • Barnacle Assistant[]

    Barnacle Assistant
    Health(int.) 15

    The Barnacle Assistant is a recruitable NPC rarely found in the Barnacle hive.


    The Barnacle Assitants are infected lab assistants whose bodies have been overrun by the Barnacle Infection. Horribly disfigured and only retaining a humanoid shape, a glass eye and their work ethic, they patiently wait for new people that want assistance so they can continue to fulfill their purpose. Weirdly, their brains are contained inside a jar, suggesting they were victims of the former scientists' experiments, and possibly explaining their incessant will to serve and assist, even after being turned into horrendous barnacle-filled creatures.


    Once recruited, they will join the crew with a pipe wrench and will be able to do many tasks, such as repairing breaches, attacking invading enemies or enemies inside caves or using the Submarine's Turret. Similarly to Crew Bots, they can be instructed through the use of the Command Wheel to order them to do specific tasks.


    • Many Relics were created in the Barnacle Hive, when it was a laboratory. They hint at the Lore of the biome.

    Description Infected Depths
    Enemies Roaming Enemies Barnacle Biter •  Barnacle Maw •  Barnacle Grabber
    Cave Enemies Barnacle Spider •  Barnacle Snail •  Barnacle Clam •  Barnacle Hatcher
    Submarine Interior Enemies Barnacle Spider •  Fungi (Awakened Mode only)
    Boss The Hive
    Obstacles Seaweeds •  Barnacle Mine •  Barnacle Harvester
    Civilization Hub Barnacle Hive
    Dwellers Barnacle People •  Barnacle Doctor
    Recruit Barnacle Assistant
    Related Affliction(s) Drowning Barnacle Infection