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PowerSwitchMiddle This article is about the Barnacle Clam. For the common version, see Clam. For the Cursed and Ghost version, see Cursed Clam.
Barnacle Clam
Health(int.) 50
Biome Infected Depths
Appearance Interior

Barnacle Clams are neutral enemies commonly found in the caves of the Infected Depths


Barnacle clams are clams overrun by barnacles. Unlike other infected organisms, they seems to have retained its usual behavior. Additionally, they will release a Stage 2 Barnacle Spider upon death, which suggests the Barnacle Spider was using the clam as a host, or that the Barnacle Clams are being used as hatcheries, such as Barnacle Hatchers


Barnacle Clams are common Infected Depth's enemies, that appear on caves. Their behavior is similar to the Normal Clams - being passive until attacked - but they have only 50 Health Points (Normal Clams have 100 Health Points). Aditionally, upon death, they will release a stage 1 barnacle spider, along with the usual pearl.

Description Infected Depths
Enemies Roaming Enemies Barnacle Biter •  Barnacle Maw •  Barnacle Grabber
Cave Enemies Barnacle Spider •  Barnacle Snail •  Barnacle Clam •  Barnacle Hatcher
Submarine Interior Enemies Barnacle Spider •  Fungi (Awakened Mode only)
Boss The Hive
Obstacles Seaweeds •  Barnacle Mine •  Barnacle Harvester
Civilization Hub Barnacle Hive
Dwellers Barnacle People •  Barnacle Doctor
Recruit Barnacle Assistant
Related Affliction(s) Drowning Barnacle Infection